Contributing Guide#

All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements, and ideas are welcome.

Local development#

These are the basic steps needed to start developing on PyQtDarkTheme.

  1. Clone PyQtDarkTheme

    You will first need to clone the repository using git and place yourself in its directory:

    $ cd PyQtDarkTheme
  2. Install Poetry

    You will need Poetry to start contributing on the PyQtDarkTheme codebase. Refer to the Poetry documentation to start using Poetry.

  3. Create a virtual environment

    Now, you will need to install the required dependency for PyQtDarkTheme with Poetry and install Qt bindings(PySide or PyQt) with pip.

    $ poetry install
    $ poetry run pip install PySide6
  4. Run Pytest

    You need to be sure that the current tests are passing on your machine:

    $ poetry run pytest tests
  5. Setup pre-commit

    To make sure that you don’t accidentally commit code that does not follow the coding style, you can install a pre-commit hook that will check that everything is in order:

    $ poetry run pre-commit install
  6. Check Qt theme

    You can check dark/light theme with built-in app.

    $ poetry run python -m qdarktheme.widget_gallery